677 research outputs found

    Paleo-Water Column Structure In The South Pacific: Evidence from Foraminiferal δ18O and Mg/Ca

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    The South Pacific represents the largest sector of the Southern Ocean. Here lies the major intermediate and bottom water formation region, rendering it a key area for studies of intermediate-deep water masses such as Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW) and Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW). The intermediate waters formed in the Southern Ocean (e.g. AAIW and SAMW) sequester significant quantities of anthropogenic CO2 and other atmospheric gases in the ocean interior. These processes have been suggested to play an important role in modulating climatic variability at glacial-interglacial time scales. The AAIW and SAMW ventilate the thermocline of the oceanic gyres as well as form the link between the Southern Ocean and the tropics, via mechanisms such as “oceanic tunneling” that transport climatic signals (e.g. temperature and salinity) and nutrients across latitudes. The active participation of the AAIW and SAMW in the heat, freshwater and carbon transports at global scale renders their role relevant in climate modulation. The central South Pacific is still poorly understood, as previous paleoceanographic reconstructions are mostly limited to the outer rim of the SPG, i.e. equatorial Pacific or close to the continental margin of South America and New Zealand. In addition, a limit in temporal coverage is evident since a large number of the reconstructions in the domain of the SPG are either time slices (Holocene-Last Glacial Maximum), or not extending beyond ~100 kyr. Therefore, the climatic history of the central South Pacific prior to MIS 5 is virtually unknown. Despite the large volume of intermediate waters formed in the South Pacific and the extensive area that the SPG covers, information regarding past changes in the formation of AAIW-SAMW and its impact on the South Pacific Gyre (SPG)’s thermocline is basically absent

    Hepatitis Viral: Modalidades evolutivas

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    Cambios en los patrones de distribución para las especies endémicas del orden anura de México con relación al cambio climático

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    El cambio climático puede generar efectos negativos sobre la distribución geográfica de los anfibios, los cuales son un grupo muy susceptible a variaciones detemperatura y humedad además de ser estenoicasy con poca vagilidad. México ocupa el quinto lugar de riqueza de anfibios, siendo más de la mitad de las especies endémicas delpaís. Dentro de ellos,el orden Anura es de los más diversos. Por esa razón,el objetivo del presente trabajo es el comparar los cambios en la distribución potencial que presentarán los anuros endémicos de México debido al calentamiento global para los años 2050 y 2070,bajo dos escenarios climáticos tanto en los dominios climáticos de México, así como en cuatro patrones de distribución: el montano, mesófilo, selva seca y selva tropical. Para ello se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de especies de anuros endémicos de México. Se obtuvieron las localidades de presencia de portales electrónicos y de la literatura. Se elaboraron modelos de nicho ecológico por medio del software MaxEnt v.3.3.3,utilizando 19 coberturas climáticas del laboratorio GFDL-CM3 a 1km2para el presente y proyectándose al año 2050 y 2070, bajo los escenariosde cambio climáticoR.C.P. 4.5 y 8.5. Se determinaron las áreas de ganancia, pérdida y permanencia de la distribución potencial para cada especie. Los resultados mostraron que los dominios que presentan mayor riqueza de especies endémicas del país son el área equivalente al Eje Neo Volcánico y la Planicie Costera del Pacífico, los cuales serán muy afectados por el calentamiento global. Asimismo, los patrones con mayor impactoserán el mesófilo con mayor pérdida de especies seguido del montano, mientras que el patrón Selva Secaaun cuando presenta pérdida de anuros endémicos, es en el que habrá mayor ganancia de distribuciónpotencial en comparación con otros patrones. Por lo que se concluye que el cambio climático tendrá un efecto negativo para los anuros;la mayoría presentará una disminución en su distribución potencial para finales del siglo XXI,en general la ganancia de distribución potencial es mínima y debido a la poca capacidad de desplazamiento de este grupo podría no ser capaz de generar unproceso de colonización que permita la sobrevivencia de las especies evaluadas

    ASAP: Adaptive Scheme for Asynchronous Processing of Event-based Vision Algorithms

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    Event cameras can capture pixel-level illumination changes with very high temporal resolution and dynamic range. They have received increasing research interest due to their robustness to lighting conditions and motion blur. Two main approaches exist in the literature to feed the event-based processing algorithms: packaging the triggered events in event packages and sending them one-by-one as single events. These approaches suffer limitations from either processing overflow or lack of responsivity. Processing overflow is caused by high event generation rates when the algorithm cannot process all the events in real-time. Conversely, lack of responsivity happens in cases of low event generation rates when the event packages are sent at too low frequencies. This paper presents ASAP, an adaptive scheme to manage the event stream through variable-size packages that accommodate to the event package processing times. The experimental results show that ASAP is capable of feeding an asynchronous event-by-event clustering algorithm in a responsive and efficient manner and at the same time prevents overflow

    Rapid Two Stage Anaerobic Digestion of Nejayote through Microaeration and Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer

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    ABSTRACT: Corn is one of the main food products in Mexico. The elaboration of corn-derived products generates wastewater with a high organic load (nejayote). Anaerobic digestion is an indicated treatment for wastewater with high organic loads. The results of this study show that the application of microaeration in the hydrolysis-fermentative reactor increased the percentage of volatile fatty acids (VFA) available in the medium by 62%. The addition of a conductive material, such as granulated activated carbon (GAC), promotes DIET (Direct interspecies electrons transfer) in the methanogenic UASB reactor increasing the methane yield by 55%. Likewise, a great diversity of exoelectrogenic bacteria, with the ability to donate electrons DIET mechanisms, were developed in the GAC biofilm, though interestingly, Peptoclostridium and Clostridium (17.3% and 12.75%, respectively) were detected with a great abundance in the GAC biofilm. Peptoclostridium has not been previously reported as a participant in DIET process

    Análisis del derecho a gozar de un ambiente sano y equilibrado ante la contaminación ambiental en Sullana: caso río Chira

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    La presente investigación tiene su génesis en la severa contaminación ambiental que tiene el río Chira por aguas residuales y residuos sólidos, presentó como objetivo general: Analizar cómo la contaminación ambiental en Sullana: caso río Chira afecta al derecho a gozar de un ambiente sano y equilibrado; y como objetivos específicos: -Conocer mediante qué normativa la Municipalidad de Sullana protege el derecho a gozar de un ambiente sano y equilibrado ante la contaminación ambiental. -Identificar las fuentes que inciden en la contaminación ambiental en Sullana: caso río Chira, -Interpretar los instrumentos de gestión ambiental que tiene la Municipalidad de Sullana para disminuir la contaminación ambiental: caso río Chira. Utilizó un enfoque cualitativo, investigación tipo básica, diseño teoría fundamentada, entrevista y como instrumento la guía de entrevista; los participantes que brindaron información fueron cuatro ingenieros ambientales, tres abogados con conocimientos en derecho ambiental y un fiscal. Se concluyó que el derecho a gozar de un ambiente sano y equilibrado es vulnerado en Sullana, debido a la contaminación, en el caso del río Chira, causado por aguas residuales sin previo tratamiento y sumado a ello están los residuos sólidos

    First report of papaya meleira virus (PMeV) in Mexico

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    Papaya meleira virus (PMeV), causal agent of meleira or sticky disease, is a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) virus which has been previously reported only in Brazil. A study was carried out in order to verify the presence and occurrence of PMeV in Mexico. Latex samples from symptomatic and asymptomatic papaya fruits were collected in Quintana Roo state papaya orchards, where the first symptoms of PMeV were observed, and from 29 different municipalities located in ten papaya producer states in Mexico. A molecular protocol based on nucleic acid extraction was used for the diagnosis and a virus 12 Kb dsRNA distinctive band was observed in all PMeV infected plants. Around 46% of the evaluated plants were positive for this pathogen. Presence of the virus had been confirmed in seven states indicating the potential damage that PMeV could cause in the papaya crop in Mexico. The molecular analysis used allowed the diagnosis of infected plants without symptoms and facilitated the diagnosis in flowers and small papaya fruits also. The early diagnosis of PMeV will allow papaya producers to take appropriate and timely control measures. This is the first report of Papaya meleira virus in Mexico.Key words: Papaya meleira virus, sticky disease, dsRNA, nucleic acid analysis

    Confirmation of spring viremia of carp virus in wild common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in Mexico

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    Abstract del trabajo exposición en conferencia eafp-2019This study confirms the presence of spring viremia of carp virus (SVCV) in wild common carp (Cyprinus carpio L) in central Mexico. Fish exhibited lesions suggestive of SVC, and samples were analyzed by cell culture, molecular techniques, gene sequencing, and electronic microscopy, resulting in the isolation and identification of SVCV.FONDAP 15110027 and FONDECYT 1150695 from CONICYT, Chile. Research Projects 4489/2018/CI from SIEA‐UAEM and Ciencia Básica CONACYT México: reference 287537